On June 27, 2016, PT Dharmabakti Purna Wira (DPW) is inaugurated by Indonesian Retired Armed Forces Union (PEPABRI) boards. The chairpersons of this inauguration event is Jendral TNI (ret) Try Sutrisno as board of trustee, Jendral TNI (ret) Wismoyo Ariesmunandar as consultative council chairman, and Jendral TNI (ret) Agum Gumelar as board of executive chairman.
The opening speech is given by Mayjen TNI (ret) Tulus Sihombing, as the head of task force that is formed as a caretaker for DPW establishment, to report the progress of DPW. The following speeches are given by Letjen TNI (ret) Toni Hartono as the president commissioner of DPW and Mr. Michael Sheehy as daily CEO to report the progress of DPW business development. DPW partners, Mr. Didiek Purnomo, Mr. Machfud, and Mr. Danny Chong (absent), are also introduced in the inauguration.
The keynote speeches are given by Mr. Agum Gumelar to explain the vision and mission of DPW as well as how it can contribute for the welfare of Indonesian Retired Armed Forces Union and Family, and ended by Mr. Try Sutrisno who is expecting DPW to be a professional company and also formally inaugurate DPW in the event as official PEPABRI company.